miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Del matrimonio y los hijos

Leyendo este blog, me encontré con el siguiente texto sobre el matrimonio y los hijos, el fin del matrimonio y como lo dice el autor del blog, de paso una defensa desde lo católico al matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo.

Me robo el texto:

For those more inclined to divining truth from modern day mythology than Scripture, I suggest watching the first 10 minutes of the Pixar film, Up. A couple that desires children experiences deep loss and sadness when they find out that they cannot conceive. But does that make their marriage any less of a marriage? When a couple practices birth control (natural of course) while having sex, are they less married at those times than when sperm is free to encounter egg? And are married couples who choose to not have children really not married couples after all?

The answer to these questions is, of course, a resounding “no.” That’s because the primary purpose of marriage is unitive, not procreative. It is the union that makes the marriage sacramental. Marriage, in and of itself and regardless of the presence of children, is a path to God.

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